Are you interested in regular cleaning work?

We always have a place for good, reliable people in our business and can offer a range of hours to suit your circumstances.

You will need to have high standards of cleaning, be completely honest and above all be very reliable.

Want to read more information about our domestic cleaning vacancies before applying? Simply have a look at our Cleaner Handbook

Here are some of the many reasons why you should work with Maid2Clean:

  • Get paid on the day of the clean (dependant on areas and types of clean)
  • We provide you with local clients to ensure your commuting cost and time is minimal
  • The cleaning jobs we offer are strictly at private homes - you will have your own set of clients who you'd visit every week (or fortnight)
  • We will not ask you to do any commercial cleaning work
  • You'll have the freedom to fit your cleaning job around your family life with flexible working hours. The amount of hours you work is entirely up to you
  • All work is offered to you - if it doesn't suit you, you can say no. We'll arrange for you to meet the clients before you start for them, to make sure you like each other and understand what's expected
  • Clients will provide you with their own cleaning materials and supplies - no need to lug around your own
  • You'll have job security - cleaners who do a good job and are loyal to the company will have no issues keeping their clients and will be given replacement clients if any do cancel
  • You'll be paid on the day of the clean by your clients - usually in cash
  • You'll also be offered one-off spring cleaning jobs in the local area with higher hourly pay
  • We look after our cleaners and provide their clients temporary cover during sickness or holiday
  • While you're working for our clients we'll provide insurance cover; so there's no need for you to worry about accidents
  • You'll be working on a self-employed basis

What does self-employed mean?

  • You're responsible for paying your own tax and national insurance
  • You'll be able to earn up to £11,500 per year before you need to pay any tax, that's about 25 hours per week
  • If you work more than that, or have other income you'll also be able to claim the expenses of working against your tax - clothing and travel for example
  • It's simple - all you need to do after you register is to inform HMRC once a year how much you've earned
  • Of course any job will affect benefits and you need to tell your local office if you claim certain benefits
  • Like any job, you can qualify for in-work benefits, such as working tax credits

What we require from you as a cleaner:

As a cleaner of Maid2Clean we ask that you perform the tasks required of you by your clients to the best of your ability including, but not limited to:

  • Being absolutely reliable and honest
  • Able to supply us with at least two written references
  • Always attending interviews or cleans when you're due - or let us and the client know well in advance
  • Delight all of your clients with a great job, every time

Submit your Application

Personal Information

Title *
First Name *
Surname *
House Number/Name *
Street Name *
Town/City *
Postcode *
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) *
(for DPA verification purposes)

Your Application

How many hours per week are you looking for? *
What is your relevant work experience? *
How did you hear about us? *


Please tick below to confirm you understand that all work through Maid2Clean is strictly on a self-employed basis & all work is built up over a period of time.

* Required Information.
 Please enter at least one contact number.


Applicants will need to provide us with two written references, either at the interview - or shortly after.

You can ask your referees to fill out our online reference form located here

Alternatively, you can download our reference template, print it out for your referees to complete & then post them to us.

Self Employment Advice

If you need help registering as self employed to begin your partnership with Maid2Clean, the HMRC helpline listed below will be able to provide you with all the necessary information and documentation you require.

Newly Self-Employed Helpline (HMRC):

This helpline enables you to register for National Insurance, tax and VAT.

Telephone Number: 0300 200 3504

For more information about registering as self-employed visit the GOV.UK Website

Additional Links

Online Reference Form

Reference Template (for printing)

Our Handy, Cleaner Handbook


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